What are the latest Research in Physics?

What are the latest Research in Physics? 

What is modern trend in Physics Research?

It's a bit like trying 
to find a hilltop in a thick forest by a dead reckoning and then working  in a way to top. There can be a lot of bad start and dead ends or you may think you arrived at the destintion and then you suddenly indentify a false peak with the main goal still in a distance. Also you often get a new ineresting peak in the distance and next point to aim for.

"Eperiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science"

The nobel prize winner in physics 20222, Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger have demonstrated the potential to investigate and control particles that are in entangled states. What happens to one particle in an entangled pair determines what happens to the other, even if they are really too far apart to affect each other. The laureates’ development of experimental tools has laid the foundation for a new era of quantum technology.

"Scientists release new accurate map of all matter in universe"

One of the most exact assessments of the current distribution of matter in the universe has been published by a team of researchers, including many from the University of Chicago and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.Combining data from two major telescope surveys of the universe, the Dark Energy Survey and the South Pole Telescope, the analysis involved more than 150 researchers

"Development of advanced hydrogenation processes for silicon solar cells via an improved understanding of the behaviour of hydrogen in silicon"

The understanding and development of advanced hydrogenation processes for silicon solar cells are presented. Hydrogen passivation is incorporated into virtually all silicon solar cells, yet the properties of hydrogen in silicon are still poorly understood. This is largely due to the complex behaviour of hydrogen in silicon and its ability to exist in many different forms in the lattice. For commercial solar cells, hydrogen is introduced into the device through the deposition of hydrogen-containing dielectric layers and the subsequent metallisation firing process. This process can readily passivate structural defects such as grain boundaries but is ineffective at passivating numerous defects in silicon solar cells such as the boron-oxygen complex, responsible for light-induced degradation in p-type Czochralski silicon. This difficulty is due to the need to first form the boron-oxygen defect and also due to atomic hydrogen naturally occupying low-mobility and low-reactivity charge states. However, these challenges can be overcome using advanced hydrogenation processes incorporating excess carrier generation from illumination or current injection that increase the concentration of the highly mobile and reactive neutral charge state. As a result, after fast firing, additional low-temperature advanced hydrogenation processes incorporating illumination can be implemented to enable the passivation of difficult defects like the boron-oxygen complex. With the implementation of such processes for industrial silicon solar cells, efficiency improvements of 1.1% absolute can be obtained.

"Single-shot electron radiography using a laser–plasma accelerator"

Contact and projection electron radiography of static targets was demonstrated by  using a laser plasma accelerator functioned by a kilojoule, picosecond-class laser as a source of relativistic electrons with an average energy of 20 MeV. Objects are with areal densities as high as 7.7 g/cm2 were probed in materials ranging from plastic to tungsten, and radiographs with resolution as good as 90 Î¼m were produced. The effects of electric fields produced by the laser ablation of the radiography objects were observed and are well described by an analytic expression relating imaging magnification change to electric-field strength.

"Hydrogen fuel could be a more viable alternative to traditional fossil fuels"

'Game-changing' findings for sustainable hydrogen production.The study has shown promising results for the use of edge-decorated nano carbons as metal-free catalysts for the direct conversion of methane, which is also a powerful greenhouse gas, into hydrogen. Among the nano carbons investigated, nitrogen-doped nano carbons presented the highest level of performance for hydrogen production at high temperatures.

Crucially, the researchers also found that the nitrogen-doped and phosphorus-doped nano carbons had strong resistance to carbon poisoning, which is a common issue with catalysts in this process.

"One of the biggest challenges with catalysts for hydrogen production is that they can get poisoned by carbon. But our study found that nitrogen and phosphorus-doped nano carbons are pretty resistant to this problem. This is a huge step forward for sustainable hydrogen production."

"Researchers decipher atomic-scale imperfections in lithium-ion batteries"

Scientists have conducted a detailed examination of high-nickel-content layered cathodes, considered to be components of promise in next-generation lithium-ion batteries. Advanced electron microscopy and deep machine learning enabled the team to observe atomic-scale changes at the interface of materials that make up the batteries.

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